Project management

Besides working as a researcher in projects I also worked in research support, project management, administration, editorial tasks and as a reviewer for project proposals and for academic journals.

Project Management and Co-ordination

2020-2021: PEP Advanced CGE Course, coordinator of the development of 10 teaching capsules for the PEP Advanced CGE online course for PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy)

2017-2020: PLAWES (Microplastic Contamination in the Weser- Wadden Sea – National Park Model System: an Ecosystem-Wide Approach), project officer at Thünen Institute

2019: MicroCatch_Balt (Investigation of Sinks and Sources of Microplastics from a Typical Catchment Area to the Open Baltic Sea), temporary project officer replacing during parental leave at Thünen Institute

2016-2021: PAGE (Policy Analysis on Growth and Employment), assistance to the coordinator and co-ordinator of 19 capacity building research projects, funded by DFID (Department for International Development), IDRC (International Development Research Centre), for PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy)

2009-2010: Extension of the ESIM model, project officer at the European Commission, Joint Research Centre in Sevilla, Spain (former: JRC-IPTS)


Technical Research Support

2018- present: GAMS-Licence administration, as consultant for PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy), responsible for administration of GAMS software licence for PEP Researchers, for PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy)

2018-2020: Plagiarism scan of research documents project deliverables with plagiarism detection software PlagScan, for PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy)

2000-2002: Administration of Unix-web-server Sun-Ultra Spark Workstation/Solaris 7, at Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Development and Agricultural Economics (former: Institue for Horticultural Economics)

Editing and Proofreading of Books   


2009: Dabbert S, Braun J. 2009. Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre (Grundwissen Bachelor), Ulmer Verlag, at University of Hohenheim

2007: Henniges O. 2007. Die Bioethanolproduktion: Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung der internationalen Konkurrenz. Josef Eul Verlag, ISBN 3-8993-6586-0, at  University of Hohenheim

2006: Eiberger C. 2006. Ökologische Schafhaltung in Deutschland - Status Quo und Zukunftsperspektiven - Empirische Untersuchung und ökonomische Bewertung.  Logos Verlag Berlin ISBN: 3-8325-1394-9, at  University of Hohenheim

2006: Barbara B. 2006. Die möglichen Bestimmungsgründe der räumlichen Verteilung des ökologischen Landbaus in Deutschland.   Dissertation Hochschulschrift, Universität Hohenheim , Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre. Logos Verlag Berlin ISBN 3-8325-1310-8, at University of Hohenheim

2005: Winter T. 2005. Ein nichtlineares prozessanalytisches Agrarsektormodell für das Einzugsgebiet der oberen Donau. Ein Beitrag zum Decision-Support-System GLOWA-Danubia, at University of Hohenheim

Editing for Academic Journals

2016: International Journal of Microsimulation -- Spring 2016: CGE Microsimulation in Developing Countries, assistance to the guest editors, for Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP)

2018: Environment and Development Economics -- Special Issue 5:  Natural Resources and Economic Development, assistance to the guest editors, for Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP)

Reviewing for Academic Journals

2022: Asian Journal of Advances in Research (1), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (1), Environmental and Resource Economics (1), Resources Policy (1), Sustainability (1), Businesses (1), Environmental Pollution (1)

2021: Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment (1), Asian Development Review (1), Case Studies on Transport Policy (1), Soil Organisms (1), Agricultural Economics (1), Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (1), Energy Policy (1)

2020: Agricultural Systems (1), World Development (1)

2019: Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment (1)

2018: Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment (3)

2017: International Journal of Microsimulation (1), Land Degradation and Development (1), The Open Agricultural Journal (1), Review of Development Economics (1)

2016: Ecological Modelling, Sustainability (3)

2015: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (1), Sustainability (1)

2004-2008: as co-reviewer: Agricultural Economics (1), American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1), Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (1)