Working Papers, Preprints, Under Review and Others
Davalos J, Henseler M, Maisonnave. 2024. Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on two African economies – Egypt and Kenya a gendered macro-micro modelling assessment. PEP Working Paper Series 2024-26
Mabugu R, Henseler M, Makochekanwa A, Maisonnave H, Chititiga M. 2023. Simulations of Policy Responses and Interventions to Promote Inclusive Adaptation to and Recovery from the COVID-19 Crisis in Zimbabwe. PEP Working Paper 2022-15.
Chitiga-Mabugu M, Maisonnave H, Henseler M, Mabugu R. (manuscript to be submitted). Fighting poverty and inequality under constrained fiscal space: the basic income support in South Africa.
Chitiga-Mabugu M, Maisonnave H, Henseler M, Mabugu R. 2022 (unpublished). Macroeconomic impacts of BIS transfers to the South African economy under alternative assumptions - Computable General Equilibrium results (BIS Working Paper) ILO, Department Social Development South Africa, UNDP Joint SDG Fund.
Henseler M. 2022. Plastic emissions from mulch film and abatement measures. Preprint. Available from:
Henseler M. 2022. The AGREE-model. Working Paper. Available from:
Henseler M, Kreins P, Brandes E, Kehlenbeck H, Karpinski I, Eberhardt G, Vogler U, Böckmann E, Jelkmann W, Maixner M. 2019 (unpublished). Stellungnahme zu Folienverwendung in der Landwirtschaft Abgestimmte Stellungnahme von Thünen Institut (TI) und Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI). Report.
Weingarten P, Gömann H, Henseler M, Zimmer Y. 2012 (unpublished). Bewertung eines Mengenmodells für ein neues Energiewendegesetz (Vorschlag der FDP). Report.