
Many of the publications resulted from research projects addressing research questions in agriculture, environment or development. Most of my publications are registered in the data bases Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) and ResearchGate

Selected Publications


Mabugu RE, Maisonnave H, Henseler M, Chitiga M, Makochekanwa A. 2023. Implications of COVID-19 and mitigation measures on gender and the Zimbabwean economy. Economic Modeling. Available from:  [Accessed 09 February 2023].

Maisonnave H, Cabral F, Henseler M. 2022. Economic and Distributional Impacts of Covid-19 Economic Shocks on Women in Senegal. International Journal of Microsimulation; 15(3); 1-14. Available from:  [Accessed 09 February 2023].

Henseler M, Maisonnave H, Maskaeva A. 2022. Economic impacts of COVID-19 on the tourism sector in Tanzania. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 3(1): 100042. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].


Henseler M, Gallagher MB, Kreins P. 2022. Microplastic Pollution in Agricultural Soils and Abatement Measures – a Model-Based Assessment for Germany. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 27(4): 553–569. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Delzeit R, Adenäuer M, Baum S, Kreins P. 2020. Nitrogen Tax and Set-Aside as Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies Under Global Change Scenarios: A Case Study for Germany. Environmental and Resource Economics 76(2): 299–329. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Schumacher I. 2019. The impact of weather on economic growth and its production factors. Climatic Change 154(3): 417–433. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].


Feike T, Henseler M. 2017. Multiple Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Crop Production - A Modeling Study for the Chinese Aksu-Tarim Region. Ecological Economics 135: 42–54. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Piot-Lepetit I, Ferrari E, Mellado AG, Banse M, Grethe H, Parisi C, Hélaine S. 2013. On the asynchronous approvals of GM crops: Potential market impacts of a trade disruption of EU soy imports. Food Policy 41: 166–176. Available from: [Accessed 23 December 2022].

Henseler M, Wirsig A, Herrmann S, Krimly T, Dabbert S. 2009. Modeling the impact of global change on regional agricultural land use through an activity-based non-linear programming approach. Agricultural Systems 100(1): 31–42. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].