Scientific Articles

Henseler M (2023) Plastic Emissions from Mulch Film and Abatement Measures — a Model-Based Assessment for Germany. Environmental Modeling & Assessment.   

Chitiga-Mabugu M, Henseler M, Maisonnave H, Mabugu R. (2023). Climate Change and Women – Impacts and Adaptation. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 17(1): 99-152.   

Mabugu R, Maisonnave H, Henseler M, Chititiga M, Makochekanwa A. (2023, forthcoming) Stakeholder oriented economic modelling for COVID-19 crisis relief and recovery strategies in Zimbabwe. IDS Bulletin.

Mabugu RE, Maisonnave H, Henseler M, Chitiga M, Makochekanwa A. 2023. Implications of COVID-19 and mitigation measures on gender and the Zimbabwean economy. Economic Modeling. Available from:  [Accessed 09 February 2023].

Maisonnave H, Cabral F, Henseler M. 2022. Economic and Distributional Impacts of Covid-19 Economic Shocks on Women in Senegal. International Journal of Microsimulation; 15(3): 1-14. Available from:  [Accessed 09 February 2023].

Henseler M, Gallagher MB, Kreins P. 2022. Microplastic Pollution in Agricultural Soils and Abatement Measures – a Model-Based Assessment for Germany. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 27(4): 553–569. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Maisonnave H, Maskaeva A. 2022. Economic impacts of COVID-19 on the tourism sector in Tanzania. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 3(1): 100042. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Chitiga M, Henseler M, Mabugu RE, Maisonnave H. 2022. How COVID-19 Pandemic Worsens the Economic Situation of Women in South Africa. The European Journal of Development Research 34(3): 1627–1644. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Chitiga-Mabugu M, Henseler M, Mabugu R, Maisonnave H. 2022. The impact of the COVID-19 enforced lockdown and fiscal package on the South African economy and environment: a preliminary analysis. Environment and Development Economics 27(3): 209–222. Available from:  [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Chitiga-Mabugu M, Henseler M, Mabugu RE, Maisonnave H. 2022. The implications of deteriorating state-owned enterprise performance on the South African economy. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 93(3): 731–754. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Brandes E, Henseler M, Kreins P. 2021. Identifying hot-spots for microplastic contamination in agricultural soils—a spatial modelling approach for Germany. Environmental Research Letters 16(10): 104041. Available from: [Accessed 22 December 2022].

Chitiga-Mabugu M, Henseler M, Mabugu R, Maisonnave H. 2021. Economic and Distributional Impact of COVID-19: Evidence from Macro-Micro Modelling of the South African Economy. South African Journal of Economics 89(1): 82–94. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Brandes E, Kreins P. 2020. Microplastics in Agricultural Soils: A New Challenge Not Only for Agro-environmental Policy? Journal of Applied Business and Economics 22(7). Available from: [Accessed 22 December 2022].

Henseler M, Delzeit R, Adenäuer M, Baum S, Kreins P. 2020. Nitrogen Tax and Set-Aside as Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies Under Global Change Scenarios: A Case Study for Germany. Environmental and Resource Economics 76(2): 299–329. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Schumacher I. 2019. The impact of weather on economic growth and its production factors. Climatic Change 154(3): 417–433. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Cockburn J, Henseler M, Maisonnave H, Tiberti L. 2018. Vulnerability and policy responses in the face of natural resource discoveries and climate change: introduction. Environment and Development Economics 23(5): 517–526. Available from:  [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Maisonnave H. 2018. Low world oil prices: A chance to reform fuel subsidies and promote public transport? A case study for South Africa. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 108: 45–62. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Banerjee O, Henseler M, Maisonnave H, Beyene LM, Velasco M. 2017. An integrated model for evaluating investments in cultural heritage tourism in the Dominican Republic. Tourism Economics 23(8): 1568–1580. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Feike T, Henseler M. 2017. Multiple Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Crop Production - A Modeling Study for the Chinese Aksu-Tarim Region. Ecological Economics 135: 42–54. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Röder N, Henseler M, Liebersbach H, Kreins P, Osterburg B. 2015. Evaluation of land use based greenhouse gas abatement measures in Germany. Ecological Economics 117: 193–202. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Kreins P, Henseler M, Anter J, Herrmann F, Wendland F. 2015. Quantification of Climate Change Impact on Regional Agricultural Irrigation and Groundwater Demand. Water Resources Management 29(10): 3585–3600. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Röder N, Liebersbach H, Kreins P, Osterburg B. 2015. The mitigation potential and cost efficiency of abatement-based payments for the production of short-rotation coppices in Germany. Biomass and Bioenergy 81: 592–601. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Dechow R. 2014. Simulation of regional nitrous oxide emissions from German agricultural mineral soils: A linkage between an agro-economic model and an empirical emission model. Agricultural Systems 124: 70–82. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Piot-Lepetit I, Ferrari E, Mellado AG, Banse M, Grethe H, Parisi C, Hélaine S. 2013. On the asynchronous approvals of GM crops: Potential market impacts of a trade disruption of EU soy imports. Food Policy 41: 166–176. Available from: [Accessed 23 December 2022].

Henseler M, Wirsig A, Herrmann S, Krimly T, Dabbert S. 2009. Modeling the impact of global change on regional agricultural land use through an activity-based non-linear programming approach. Agricultural Systems 100(1): 31–42. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Henseler M, Wirsig A, Krimly T, Dabbert S. 2008. The influence of climate change, technological progress and political change on agricultural land use: calculated scenarios for the Upper Danube catchment area. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 57(03–04): 1–13. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Wirsig A, Henseler M, Krimly T, Simota C. 2007. Modelling the impact of global change on regional agricultural land use in alpine regions. Agrarwirtschaft Und Agrarsoziologie 01(07): 101–116.