Scientific Articles
Chitiga-Mabugu M, Henseler M, Maisonnave H, Mabugu R. 2025. Financing the Basic income support in South Africa under fiscal constraints. World Development Perspectives, 37.100657.
Zinnbauer M, Brandes E, Eysholdt M, Henseler M, Löw P. 2024. Modelling High Resolution Agricultural Nitrogen Budgets: A Case Study for Germany. Water, 16, 2376.
Henseler M. 2024. Plastic emissions from mulch film and abatement measures. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 29, 339–363.
Chitiga-Mabugu M, Henseler M, Maisonnave H, Mabugu R. 2023. Climate Change and Women – Impacts and Adaptation. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 17(1): 99-152.
Mabugu R, Maisonnave H, Henseler M, Chititiga M, Makochekanwa A. 2023. Co-modelling oriented economic modelling for COVID-19 crisis relief and recovery strategies in Zimbabwe. IDS Bulletin.
Mabugu RE, Maisonnave H, Henseler M, Chitiga M, Makochekanwa A. 2023. Implications of COVID-19 and mitigation measures on gender and the Zimbabwean economy. Economic Modeling. Available from: [Accessed 09 February 2023].
Maisonnave H, Cabral F, Henseler M. 2022. Economic and Distributional Impacts of Covid-19 Economic Shocks on Women in Senegal. International Journal of Microsimulation; 15(3): 1-14. Available from: [Accessed 09 February 2023].
Henseler M, Gallagher MB, Kreins P. 2022. Microplastic Pollution in Agricultural Soils and Abatement Measures – a Model-Based Assessment for Germany. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 27(4): 553–569. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Henseler M, Maisonnave H, Maskaeva A. 2022. Economic impacts of COVID-19 on the tourism sector in Tanzania. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 3(1): 100042. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Chitiga M, Henseler M, Mabugu RE, Maisonnave H. 2022. How COVID-19 Pandemic Worsens the Economic Situation of Women in South Africa. The European Journal of Development Research 34(3): 1627–1644. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Chitiga-Mabugu M, Henseler M, Mabugu R, Maisonnave H. 2022. The impact of the COVID-19 enforced lockdown and fiscal package on the South African economy and environment: a preliminary analysis. Environment and Development Economics 27(3): 209–222. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Chitiga-Mabugu M, Henseler M, Mabugu RE, Maisonnave H. 2022. The implications of deteriorating state-owned enterprise performance on the South African economy. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 93(3): 731–754. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Brandes E, Henseler M, Kreins P. 2021. Identifying hot-spots for microplastic contamination in agricultural soils—a spatial modelling approach for Germany. Environmental Research Letters 16(10): 104041. Available from: [Accessed 22 December 2022].
Chitiga-Mabugu M, Henseler M, Mabugu R, Maisonnave H. 2021. Economic and Distributional Impact of COVID-19: Evidence from Macro-Micro Modelling of the South African Economy. South African Journal of Economics 89(1): 82–94. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Henseler M, Brandes E, Kreins P. 2020. Microplastics in Agricultural Soils: A New Challenge Not Only for Agro-environmental Policy? Journal of Applied Business and Economics 22(7). Available from: [Accessed 22 December 2022].
Henseler M, Delzeit R, Adenäuer M, Baum S, Kreins P. 2020. Nitrogen Tax and Set-Aside as Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies Under Global Change Scenarios: A Case Study for Germany. Environmental and Resource Economics 76(2): 299–329. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Henseler M, Schumacher I. 2019. The impact of weather on economic growth and its production factors. Climatic Change 154(3): 417–433. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Cockburn J, Henseler M, Maisonnave H, Tiberti L. 2018. Vulnerability and policy responses in the face of natural resource discoveries and climate change: introduction. Environment and Development Economics 23(5): 517–526. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Henseler M, Maisonnave H. 2018. Low world oil prices: A chance to reform fuel subsidies and promote public transport? A case study for South Africa. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 108: 45–62. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Banerjee O, Henseler M, Maisonnave H, Beyene LM, Velasco M. 2017. An integrated model for evaluating investments in cultural heritage tourism in the Dominican Republic. Tourism Economics 23(8): 1568–1580. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Feike T, Henseler M. 2017. Multiple Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Crop Production - A Modeling Study for the Chinese Aksu-Tarim Region. Ecological Economics 135: 42–54. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Röder N, Henseler M, Liebersbach H, Kreins P, Osterburg B. 2015. Evaluation of land use based greenhouse gas abatement measures in Germany. Ecological Economics 117: 193–202. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Kreins P, Henseler M, Anter J, Herrmann F, Wendland F. 2015. Quantification of Climate Change Impact on Regional Agricultural Irrigation and Groundwater Demand. Water Resources Management 29(10): 3585–3600. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Henseler M, Röder N, Liebersbach H, Kreins P, Osterburg B. 2015. The mitigation potential and cost efficiency of abatement-based payments for the production of short-rotation coppices in Germany. Biomass and Bioenergy 81: 592–601. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Henseler M, Dechow R. 2014. Simulation of regional nitrous oxide emissions from German agricultural mineral soils: A linkage between an agro-economic model and an empirical emission model. Agricultural Systems 124: 70–82. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Henseler M, Piot-Lepetit I, Ferrari E, Mellado AG, Banse M, Grethe H, Parisi C, Hélaine S. 2013. On the asynchronous approvals of GM crops: Potential market impacts of a trade disruption of EU soy imports. Food Policy 41: 166–176. Available from: [Accessed 23 December 2022].
Henseler M, Wirsig A, Herrmann S, Krimly T, Dabbert S. 2009. Modeling the impact of global change on regional agricultural land use through an activity-based non-linear programming approach. Agricultural Systems 100(1): 31–42. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Henseler M, Wirsig A, Krimly T, Dabbert S. 2008. The influence of climate change, technological progress and political change on agricultural land use: calculated scenarios for the Upper Danube catchment area. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 57(03–04): 1–13. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].
Wirsig A, Henseler M, Krimly T, Simota C. 2007. Modelling the impact of global change on regional agricultural land use in alpine regions. Agrarwirtschaft Und Agrarsoziologie 01(07): 101–116.