My teaching activities concentrate on specific courses, training and mentoring. As a vacataire I recently provided different teaching services to University Le Havre Normandy.
2025: (Micro-)Plastic Emissions in Horticultural Production, as a consultant for University Le Havre Normandy: lecturer (vacataire) in licence professionnelle expérimentateur du végétal
2023: (Micro-)Plastic Emissions in Horticultural Production, as a consultant for University Le Havre Normandy: lecturer (vacataire) in licence professionnelle expérimentateur du végétal
2020: Model-based policy impact assessment -- presentation of RAUMIS, as a researcher at Thünen Institute: lecturer in PhD course
2020: European Economic Policies, as a consultant for University Le Havre Normandy: lecturer (vacataire) in BSc course
2019: European Economic Policies, as a consultant for University Le Havre Normandy: lecturer (vacataire) in BSc course
2007-2008: Environmental and Resource Economics, as a researcher at University of Hohenheim: lecturer in MSc course
2007-2008: Advanced Resource Management, as a researcher at University of Hohenheim: lecturer in MSc course
2002-2003: Introduction of Horticultural Management, as a researcher at Leibniz University Hannover: lecturer in BSc course
2020-2021: PEP Advanced CGE Course, coordinator of the development of 10 teaching capsules for the PEP Advanced CGE online course for PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy)
2019: PEP online course: Computable General Equilibrium Modelling (Edition Autumn 2019): instructor, as a consultant PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy)
2016: PEP online course: Computable General Equilibrium Modelling, assistant instructor, as a consultant PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy)
2021: UNDP's CGE Training, trainer and mentor in capacity building project, as sub-contracted consultant for University of Pretoria and UNDP
2016-2018: The impact of fiscal reforms on poverty and income distribution in Tanzania: Macro-micro simulation modelling, mentor in capacity building project, as consultant for PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy)
2016-2018: Réformes agricoles, emploi et réduction de la pauvreté: une analyse en EGC dynamique, mentor in capacity building project, as a consultant for PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy)