Project and Policy Briefs

Davalos J, Henseler M, Maisonnave. 2024. Empower Her: Tackle the RUW Crisis in Egypt and Kenya with Smart, Gender-Focused Solutions. PEP Policy Brief  No. 289 (December 2024)

Bohlmann H, Bohlmann J, Cororaton C, Geda A, Henseler M, Lemma A, Musyoka MP, Ngui D, Ngepah N, Papadavid P, Raga S, te Velde DW, Zaki C. (2024). Impact of the Russia–Ukraine war on Africa: policy implications for navigating shocks and building resilience. ODI Policy Brief. London: ODI.

Cororaton C, Bohlmann H, Bohlmann J, Henseler M (2023). The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War: Estimating the Economic and Welfare Losses in Africa using a Global CGE Model. PEP Policy Brief 267

Mabugu R, Maisonnave H, Henseler M, Chitiga-Mabugu M, Makochekanwa A. (2023). Zimbabwe: How to promote an inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the Covid-19 crisis? PEP Policy Brief.

Bernhardt JJ, Rolfes L, Henseler M, Kreins P. 2022b. Quantification of Regional Irrigation Demands for Agriculture in Bavaria  (Project Brief). Thünen-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut Für Ländliche Räume, Wald Und Fischerei: Braunschweig. 

Brandes E, Henseler M, Herrmann F, Kreins P, Shiravani G, Wendland F, Wurpts A. 2022a. Microplastics in the Environment: Investigations in the Weser Catchment (Project Brief). Thünen-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut Für Ländliche Räume, Wald Und Fischerei: Braunschweig. 

Brandes E, Henseler M, Herrmann F, Kreins P, Wendland F. 2022a. Microplastics in the Environment: Investigations in the Warnow Catchment (Project Brief). Thünen-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut Für Ländliche Räume, Wald Und Fischerei: Braunschweig. 

Abreu Lopes C, Allotey P, Chitiga M, Escalante LE, Henseler M, Mabugu RE, Maisonnave H, Remme M, Solomon A, Vijayasingham L. 2021. Beyond the Tyranny of the Urgent: Long-term Systemic and Intersectoral Reforms on Gender-related Health Barriers in COVID-19 Recovery. T20 Policy Brief. Available from: [Accessed 18 September 2022].