
As a researcher employed (1) at institutions and independent researcher (2) for consultant contracts, I worked on projects acquired and funded by different national and international organisations. In "development", I was recently working on the evaluation of COVID-19 impacts and counteracting policies. In "environment", I recently worked on microplastic, greenhouse gas emission and mitigation, and water management. In "agriculture", I worked on agricultural production and landuse and agricultural markets.


2023-present: SPES - Sustainability Performances, Evidence and Scenarios, (2) for PEP, funding: European Commission within the framework of the Horizon Europe Research & Innovation programme 

2023-2024: Impacts of the War in Ukraine on Food Security in Lower-Income Countries. AERC-ERF-PEP Collaborative Research Project. (2) for PEP, funding: IDRC (International Development Research Centre) and  GAC (Global Affairs Canada)

2020-2022: Simulations of policy responses and interventions to promote inclusive adaptation to and  recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Zimbabwe, (2 sub-contracted), funding: PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy) and IDRC (International Development Research Centre)

2021: Expert Panel on Basic Income Support, (2 sub-contracted) for ILO (International Labour Organization) and Department for Social Development Republic of South Africa 

2019: The extension of the regional Computable General Equilibrium Model for the City of Johannesburg: the dynamic version), (2) for Enterprises University of Pretoria

2017: A regional Computable General Equilibrium model for the city of Johannesburg, (2) for Enterprises University of Pretoria, funding: City of Johannesburg

2015: Ex-ante Economic Analysis of DR-L1078 The Tourism Development Program for the Colonial City of Santo Domingo, (2) for Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) 


2023-present: InnWater - Promoting social innovation to renew multi-level and cross sector water governance, (1) at University of Rouen, funding: European Commission within the framework of the Horizon Europe Research & Innovation programme 

2021: AGRUM-Germany (Analysis of Agricultural and Environmental Measures in the context of agricultural water protection against the background of the EU Water Framework Directive in  Germany),  (2) for Thünen Institute

2021: Quantification of Regional Irrigation Demands for Agriculture in Bavaria, (2) for Thünen Institute, funding: Federal State Bavaria

2017-2020: MicroCatch_Balt (Investigation of Sinks and Sources of Microplastics from a Typical Catchment Area to the Open Baltic Sea), (1) at Thünen Institute, funding: BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research (research program: Plastic in the Environment – Sources, Sinks, Solutions)

2017-2020: PLAWES (Microplastic Contamination in the Weser- Wadden Sea – National Park Model System: an Ecosystem-Wide Approach), (1) at Thünen Institute, funding: BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and  Research), (research program: Plastic in the Environment – Sources, Sinks, Solutions)

2017-2020: MAGGE-pH (Mitigating Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions by improved pH management of soils), (1) at Thünen Institute, funding: European Union (Horizon2020 Programme)

2015: AGRUM-Schleswig-Holstein  (Spatially differentiated analyses of agricultural water  conservation in Schleswig-Holstein), (2) for Thünen Institute, funding: Federal State Schleswig-Holstein

2014:  SYNAKLI (Synergies between nature conservation and climate protection in the area of land use), (2) for Thünen Institute, funding: Federal Agency for Nature  Conservation (BfN) 

2012: Future irrigation demands in North Rhine-Westphalia, (2) for Thünen Institute, funding: Federal State North Rhine-Westphalia

2011-2020: CCLandStraD (Climate Change – Land Use Strategies in Germany), (1) and (2) for Thünen Institute, funding: BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)


2008-2011: iMAP, an integrated modelling platform for agro-economic commodity and policy analysis, (1) at the European Commission, for Joint Research Center in Sevilla (former:  Institute for Prospective Technology Studies, IPTS)

2008-2011: Extension of the ESIM model, (1) at the European Commission, for Joint Research Center in Sevilla (former: Institute for Prospective Technology Studies, IPTS)

2004-2008: GLOWA-Danube (Global Change in the Hydrological Cycle in the Danube basin), (1) at University of Hohenheim, funding: BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) 

2004-2007: RIVERTWIN (A Regional Model for Integrated Water Management in Twinned River Basins), (1) at University of Hohenheim, funding: European Union (Framework Programme 6) 

2003-2004: Stars for Europe, as an assistant at  Green Marketing Europe GmbH (former: mec - Marketing and Ethics Consulting), funding: European Union

2003-2004: EISfOM (European Information System for Organic Markets), as an assistant at Green Marketing Europe GmbH (former: Marketing and Ethics Consulting), funding: European Union (Framework Programme 5)