Conference Papers

Davalos J, Henseler M, Maisonnave H. 2024. Economic Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war on African women – a model-based assessment for Egypt and Kenya. Paper prepared for the 2024 African Economic Conference (AEC) by AfDB, ECA and UNDP in Gaborone (Botswana), 23-25 November 2024. 

Maisonnave H, Henseler M. 2022. The Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Women in South Africa, In Understanding the Gender and Climate Change Nexus - Conference Proceedings, Understanding the Gender and Climate Change Nexus, November 15-17, 2022. International Economic Association (IEA) & The World Bank (WB) & Accelerate Equality - Gender Equality and Development & UNDP: Virtual Conference; 11–12. Available from:

Henseler M. 2022. Environmental protection versus Circular Economy: Microplastics in agricultural recycling, In Circular@WUR 2022. Wageningen, Netherlands. Available from:

Chitiga M, Henseler M, Mabugu R, Maisonnave H. 2021a. Modelling a gender inclusive COVID-19 recovery for Zimbabwe, In 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (GTAP). Virtual Conference. Available from:

Chitiga M, Henseler M, Mabugu R, Maisonnave H. 2021b. The impact of the COVID 19 enforced lockdown and fiscal package on the South African economy and environment: A preliminary analysis, In 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (GTAP). Virtual Conference. Available from:

Chitiga M, Maisonnave H, Mabugu R, Henseler M. 2019. Impact of climate change on vulnerable groups on South African labour markets, In 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis. Warsaw, Poland. Available from:

Henseler M. 2019. Mikroplastik-Emissionen aus der Landwirtschaftlichen Produktion in Deutschland, In Nachhaltigkeit in Gartenbaulichen Und Landwirtschaftlichen Prozessen – Recycling, Verpackung, Mikroplastik: Tagungsband Zur 48. GKL-Jahrestagung, Lampe I (ed). 48. GKL-Jahrestagung. Gesellschaft Für Kunststoffe Im Landbau (GKL) EV: Dernbach (Westerwald), Germany.

Henseler M, Brandes E, Kreins P. 2019. Microplastics in agricultural soils: a new challenge not only for agro-environmental policy?, In 172nd EAAE Seminar "Agricultural Policy for the Environment or Environmental Policy for Agriculture? Brussels, Belgium.

Brandes E, Henseler M, Kreins P. 2019. Identifying regional hot-spots for microplastic immissions into agricultural soils - a top-down approach for German, In Book of Abstracts, DBG (ed). Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland and the German Soil Science Society. Bern, Switzerland; 166.

Henseler M, Röder N, Kreins P, Liebersbach H, Osterburg B. 2015. The mitigation potential and cost efficiency of abatement-based payments for the production of short-rotation coppices in Germany, In 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists. Milan, Italy.

Feike T, Henseler M. 2015. Integrating agricultural and water policies for more sustainable crop production in arid Northwestern China, In 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design. Montpellier, France; 217–218. Available from:

Feike T, Henseler M, Ha N, Mamitimin Y, Doluschitz R, Hagel H. 2014. Impact of Different Agricultural Water Use Policies on Farm Income and Water Use in Xinjiang, China, In 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Watershed and River Basin Management. San Francisco, United States. Available from:

Röder N, Henseler M, Liebersbach H, Kreins P, Osterburg B. 2014. Evaluation of land use based greenhouse gas mitigation measures in Germany, In EAAE 2014 Congress "Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Available from:

Henseler M. 2008. Impact of CAP reform on agricultural production in four different European regions, In Agricultural Economics Society’s (AES) 82nd Annual Conference. Cirencester, United Kingdom. Available from:

Henseler M. 2007a. CAP reform scenario calculations for the German Neckar river basin and England – a transfer of the regional model ACRE, In International Conference on Regional and Urban Modeling. Brussels, Belgium.

Henseler M. 2007b. CAP reform scenario calculations for the German Neckar river basin and England with the regional model ACRE, In Agricultural Economics Society’s (AES) 81st Annual Conference. Reading, United Kingdom.

Gaiser T, Lange F-M, Weippert H, Henseler M, Stahr K. 2006. Grundwasserbelastungen durch Nitrat – Einfluss der GAP Reform, In Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart – Landesbetrieb Gewässer, Geschäftsstelle Integrierende Konzeption Neckar-Einzugsgebiet (ed). Zukunftsperspektiven für ein integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management im Einzugsgebiet des Neckar. Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany; 18–26.

Henseler M, Krimly T. 2006. Umweltauswirkungen der GAP-Reform – Reduzierte Düngung infolge GAP-Reform, In BodenMärkte - Bodennutzung Der Zukunft, Conference Proceedings, Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg (ed). BodenMärkte – Bodennutzung der Zukunft. Stuttgart, Germany.

Gaiser T, Printz A, Schwarz-von-Raumer H-G, Schneider M, Götzinger J, Lange F-M, Barthel R, Henseler M, Bárdossy A, Kaule G, Stahr K. 2006. Das EU-Projekt RIVERTWIN-Neckar: Ein Beitrag zum integrierten Flussgebietsmanagement, In Third Symposium Klimaveränderungen und Konsequenzen für die Wasserwirtschaft. Stuttgart, Germany; 170–181. Available from:

Henseler M. 2005a. First results of scenario calculations with ACRE (presentation), In 4th Spatial Integration Workshop of RIVERTWIN (A regional model for integrated water management in twinned river basins). Stuttgart, Germany.

Henseler M, Wirsig A, Krimly T. 2005a. Development, Testing and Application of ACRE: An Agro-Economic Production Model on Regional Level, In The Future of Rural Europe in the Global Agri-Food System. Copenhagen, Denmark. Available from:

Henseler M, Wirsig A, Krimly T. 2005b. Development, testing and application of ACRE: an agro-economic production model on regional level, In 14th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE2005). Bremen, Germany.

Henseler M, Wirsig A, Krimly T. 2005c. Introduction of ACRE: an agro-economic production model on regional level, In International Conference on Policy Modeling (EcoMod2005). Istanbul, Turkey.